ダム耐震に関するレポート Martin Wieland氏(ICOLD、ダム耐震技術委員会委員長)

Martin Wieland氏(ICOLD、ダム設計における地震問題委員会委員長)より、ダム耐震に関するレポートが提供されましたので共有いたします。なお、2023年トルコ地震に関して、古いフィルダムの一部で決壊には至らない程度の損傷があった他は、ダムは安全であった、という情報が含まれています。

ダム安全の再評価の必要性(A need to reassess dam safety) レポート

Dear Colleagues

Attached please find a paper on the need for the seismic safety evaluation of dams, which was published in Water Power and Dam Construction in February 2023, when the two catastrophic earthquakes occurred in the Southeast of Turkey. Although, according to the available information, most of the large dams performed well, there are a few cases where older embankment dams were damaged but did not fail. This is the right time to remind you that both new and old dams must satisfy the same safety criteria. For the verification of this requirement a seismic safety reevaluation is necessary. This has been a long-time recommendation of the ICOLD Committee on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design. You may help to initiate such safety evaluation programs in your country or organisation, if it has not yet been done. Further details are given in the attached paper.

With my best regards

Dr. M. Wieland

Chairman, ICOLD Committee on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design